Medjugorje: message from visionary Vicka.

Medjugorje: message from visionary Vicka. “Do not be afraid of anything, but simply renounce what bothers you and give it to God; you cannot pray if you allow this turbulence to enter you. You must know, Satan always tries to sow confusion in hearts , then be aware of his presence and his actions, and … [Read more…]

The apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje are an extraordinary event, which has grown in intensity over the course of over forty years. The small village in Bosnia and Herzegovina attracts millions of people from all over the world.Our Lady’s messages are spread everywhere in real time, thanks to modern means of communication and constitute … [Read more…]
Grandparents’ prayer for their grandchildren

Lord God, Father of us all, these grandchildren of ours that we present to you You know them and you know how much we love them. They are our children’s children. They are often a source of joy and wonder for us. For this we give you thanks. But sometimes, they also cause worry and … [Read more…]
The old man and his pray

The old man and his pray They once asked an old man: What do you get by “praying to God regularly”? He replied: “ I usually “ don’t win anything ” but “ I lose things.” And he mentioned everything he lost by praying to God regularly: – I lost my pride. – I have … [Read more…]